With 20+ years experience in publishing, working with everyone from first time authors to high-profile clients including many New York Times bestselling authors, Carina specializes in the promotion of non-fiction books focused in the genres of lifestyle, business, health & wellness, spirituality, psychology, and general interest topics. Carina prides herself on being a creative and strategic communicator dedicated to elevating her clients' personal brand and improving their overall presence and awareness.
She is the author of, The Good Author MBA Starter Kit, and publisher of The Good Author newsletter on Substack. Join the newsletter and receive the ebook free.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou
Carina with Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of several New York Times Best Selling books
Carina has launched hundreds of national book campaigns, working alongside authors, experts, and business leaders to define their brand, focus their message, and reach their audience in a strategic and authentic way so as to build a solid foundation for growth and future opportunity.
Prior to starting Parallel 33 PR, she was the Senior Publicist at leading self-help publisher, Hay House, where she represented many New York Times bestselling authors including the legendary "Godfather of Motivation," Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rwandan Genocide Survivor, Immaculee Ilibagiza, and Dying to Be Me author, Anita Moorjani - all of whom changed the trajectory of her life forever. Prior to that, she led national book signing tours with bestselling authors such as, Emeril Lagasse, Karen Hughes, Tom Clancy, General Tommy Franks, and legendary NFL star, Barry Sanders.
In her early career, she worked for The Harvard School of Public Health's Center for Health Communication, led by Dr. Jay Winsten, best known as the architect of the U.S. Designated Driver Campaign, which successfully introduced the designated driver concept into the American culture through strategic media placement and Hollywood collaboration.
Carina with Immaculee Ilibagiza, author of the New York Times Best Seller, LEFT TO TELL
Carina intended for her Economics and Political Science degree to lead her to law school, but she ultimately chose to put her writing and communications skills to use work with people who are trying to make a positive impact on the world through the power of books. She thrives on getting to the heart of a story and figuring out how to get people excited about it.
Over the years, she's developed relationships with some of the top media outlets in the country including Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, CNN, Maria Shriver's Sunday Paper, The New York Times, MindBodyGreen, Spirituality & Health Magazine, Yoga Journal, and hundreds more. ​
Carina holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from San Diego State University and graduate certificate in Publishing from Emerson College. Her capstone project involved publishing the book, The Unofficial Manual to Living with Men, the subject of which is now her husband of 19 years; interestingly, 50% of the other subjects are now divorced.
During her free time, you'll often find her in the northern coastal towns of San Diego, enjoying time with her husband, two teenagers, three dogs, a bunny, and some incredible horses.